Monday, 28 April 2014

How To Get Rid Of Cramps

How To Get Rid Of Cramps

Types, Causes And Symptoms Of Cramps

Cramps are often painful sensations caused by muscle contraction or over shortening. You can feel different types of cramps. In this article we are describe different types of cramps and related causes symptoms and treatment to get rid of cramps.

Abdominal cramps

 Abdominal cramps or a spasm is a painful contractions occurring in the abdomen. Most of times it will not serious and can be readily diagnosed and treated but sometimes pain can also be a sign of a serious illness. That time take a proper doctor treatment.

Causes of abdominal cramps

 indigestion, constipation, menstrual, stomach flu, food poisoning, food allergies, gas, medication, gastroesophageal reflux disease can be cause of abdominal cramps.

Symptoms abdominal cramps

 if you’re abdominal cramp is severe or if it is accompanied by any of the following symptoms then contact your doctor as soon as possible:
Fever, Inability to keep food down, vomiting or vomiting blood, difficulty when you breathe, painful urination, and pain last for several days, pain occurs during pregnancy.

Muscle cramps

 A muscle that unwillingly contracts without our knowingly willing it is called a “spasm.” If the spasm is powerful and continued, it becomes a cramp. A muscle cramp is an unwillingness and powerfully contracted muscle that does not relax. Most times muscles cramps develop in the leg muscles.

Causes of muscles cramps

 muscles cramps can occur particularly after injury to nerve and/or muscle. Overexertion, dehydration, low blood levels of calcium, magnesium, or potassium is the cause of muscles cramps. Deficiencies of vitamins such as thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), and pyridoxine (B6) can also cause muscle cramps.

Symptoms of muscles cramps

 if you are troubling with muscles cramps you will feel sudden leg swelling, redness or skin changes, sharp pain or also be able to see a hard lump of muscle tissue beneath your skin.

Menstrual cramps

 Menstrual cramps also known as dysmenorrheal or period pains. It is very painful sensation felt in the lower abdomen that can occur both before and during women’s menstrual period.

Causes of menstrual cramps

 During the menstrual time, that the lining of the womb is being shed, you might feel some cramping pain in your lower stomach, your lower back and at the top of your legs; this is known as menstrual pain.
The reason of menstrual cramps is that your womb is contracting or squeezing to remove the lining that it no longer needs because you are not pregnant. It is contemplation that pain cause chemicals, called prostaglandins, are besmeared in maintenance the uterus contract that also make you feel or cramps.

The symptoms of menstrual cramps

you will feel dull, throbbing or cramping pain in your lower abdomen, lower back pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, sweating, and dizziness.

You can get rid of these problems by natural home remedies and following by some tips but if your problem is not getting well then immediately call your doctor.

Get rid of cramps by home remedies

If you are suffering from menstrual cramp follow these tips.

  • Drink water or other clear fluid.
  • Make a proper exercise.
  • Take a heat treatment (set hot water bottle on your stomach).
  • Eating fruits and vegetables and avoid intake food, fat alcohol.

If you are suffering from abdominal cramps follow these tips

  • Avoid solid food for a few days.
  • If you have been vomiting, wait for 6 hours, and then eat small amounts of soft foods.
  • Avoid painkiller, or other anti-inflammatory medicines.

If you are suffering from muscles cramp

  •   Take a gentle massage on your cramp ski
  •  You can use hot towels on the cramp area for 15 minutes
  • Consume banana it will help to increase your deficiency of potassium.
  • Slightly bend your knee and place all of your weight on to sore leg if you are suffering from cram in the leg .

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