Monday, 28 April 2014

How To Get Rid Of Heartburn

How To Get Rid Of Heartburn

What Is The Cause Of Heartburn And Home Remedies

The heartburn condition is medically known as pyrosis, cardialgia or acid indigestion. It is very common and extremely uncomfortable warm and burning sensation in the chest area and makes its way up to the neck, throat and jaw. It is more common after eating or physical exercise when leaning or just while you are lying. Heart burn is caused by increased acidity in your stomach and the pushing back of food into the esophagus (or food pipe). Heart burn is generally linked with gastric reflex which result in a condition known as gastroesophageal  reflux disease. It is the very disturbing and painful condition of the patient. Lifting training, tight clothing, chronic cough, sore throat, chronic hoarseness, obesity, pregnancy, and medical conditions like hernia and diabetes can be cause of heartburn.  Sometimes foods and drinks can be cause of acid reflux, are include: chocolate, spicy food, sodas (carbonated beverages), ketchup, citrus fruits & juices, white or red wine, garlic and peanuts. Before concluding it requires a clear examination of signs and symptoms to identify whether it is pyrosis so that to determine the perfect way to get rid of the heartburn fast.

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

The sign of pyrosis can be caused by other abnormal things for instance cardiac problems or intestinal motility problems and you must not obscure the two. Many people go through diverse acid reflux-related heartburn, nevertheless, majority of individuals have alike heartburn symptoms.
  • A feeling of burning in the chest or neck soon after eating up and lasts a couple of minutes to several hours.
  • Painful sensation in the chest, particularly after eating, bowing over or lying down.
  • Feeling of burning in the jaw as well as throat after tasting sour, salty, acidic or hot fluids.
  • Difficulty in swallowing and you can feel food is stuck between the chest or throat.

How to get rid of heartburn

Heartburn is not a very serious medical condition and you can get rid of heartburn fast after using some useful tips and home remedies.

  • Baking soda

 Baking soda is a good home remedy to get rid of heartburn. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda into a full glass of water and stir it until the baking soda is dissolved and drink it. After that you will feel relieve from heartburn. This home remedy is not recommended for pregnant women or high blood pressure patients.
  • Yellow mustard

 yellow mustard is another good remedy for heartburn because it contains distilled vinegar. Eat only 1 tablespoon of yellow mustard, it is recommended remedy for heartburn.
  • Vinegar and apple cider vinegar

 you can also use this vinegar for heartburn problem. Take 1 tablespoon of this liquid and mix it with a cup of water.  It is good for instant relief of heartburn. Apples basically neutralizes acid within the body and it is also contains lots of vitamins also mineral, and these are maintain humidity thus help the human body to  fit and healthy.

  • Aloe Vera juice

 Aloe Vera juice is the best natural remedies for acid reflux. You can get instant relief from acid reflux with merely a small amount of this juice. It is easily available at neighborhood grocery stores and food shops.
  • Avoid heartburn causing food

 avoid food that can be cause of heartburn such as fatty food, oily food, citrus juices, sodas, coffee, alcohol, and high calories food. These types of food are the cause of irritation in your chest, neck and throat and also risky for heartburn sufferers.

  • Choose healthy food

you can choose soup, salad, sandwich or carbohydrate and starch-based foods for your dinner. These are smooth and easy to digest. Always eat light food at night not take heavy diet , a heavy meals can main reason to heartburn.
  • Setting and sleeping posture

 don’t eat on the sofa in front of the television because bad setting posture while eating highly contributes to heartburn. So, always sit up while you eat and keep your head raised while you sleep. Place an extra pillow or two under your head and it will keep the stomach acids from creeping back up from your stomach.
  • Avoid soda

 if you feel like need a water or any drink, reach for a  glass of water instead of a gaseous soda drink . Herbal green tea also works great to fight heartburn and it is also full of antioxidants that dissolve the extra gas and remove harmful toxins from your system.

More Information About More To Healthy

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